导演:John Andreas Andersen Erik Skjoldbjærg Pål Sletaune Erik Richter Strand Eva Sørhaug
主演:Henrik Mestad 安妮·达尔·托普 Ragnhild Gudbrandsen 茵格保加·达坤耐特
简介:In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- ...
主演:Jonathan Rhys Meyers Henry Cavill James Frain Annabelle Wallis
简介:(by 华丽到不能再华丽的华丽)Showtime出品的历史剧“都铎王朝”,与其说是一个显赫王朝的兴衰史,不如说是一个偏执狂和杀妻狂的罗曼史。《时代周刊》曾刊文道:“如果16世纪有八卦小报,亨利八世一定是每期的封面人物。”的确,这位才华横溢且私欲膨胀的英国国王,一生娶了六个妻子,在历史上曾留下无数瞩目的争议。在前两季中,由于王后凯瑟琳只诞下了一个女儿玛丽,苦无子嗣继位的亨利八世对她不再宠幸,转而爱上...